Sunday 29 March 2015

The Long Mass

Hey Cloë why the heck was Mass so long today?! It felt like we had to wait forever for our master.

Well Tallulah today was Palm Sunday, the first day of Holy Week. Today we heard the story of Jesus coming to Jerusalem and how excited everyone was. 

(youtube link:

Unfortunately all that excitement did not last and the second Gospel talked all about the arrest and death of Jesus. Do you remember any of the other parts of the story Tallulah?

I sure do. We also heard about the Last Supper, when Jesus gave us the Eucharist (communion.)

(youtube link:

Very good Tallulah. We will read all those events again this week, on Holy Thursday and Good Friday.

To help you remember these events in Jesus' life Lacy at Catholic Icing has come up with some really neat crafts. 

Have a great Holy Week! Woof!

Cloë and Tallulah

Wednesday 18 March 2015

Happy Birthday Bishop!

Hi Everyone,

Today is a special day for two reasons. 

#1 and most important is that it is the feast day of Saint Joseph.

In fact Cloë, it's even bigger than a feast it's a solemnity! 

You are right Tallulah. Be sure to check out our blog post from last year for more info about Saint Joseph.

I know you wanted to give the kids a picture to colour Cloë, but I found this delicious looking cake instead! I think this is a better way to celebrate this day, certainly more yummy!

And if you add a few candles to it you can remember Bishop Marcel who is celebrating his birthday today!

Cloë do you see me licking my chops at how good that cake looks!

Always thinking about your stomach aren't you Tallulah!

WOOOOF! WOOOOOF! (that's dog for Happy Birthday.)

Cloë and Tallulah

Tuesday 17 March 2015

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Is everybody feeling a little green today? In a good way of course.

Today is the feast of Saint Patrick. As you know Tallulah, we have been talking about the prophets. Do you remember what a prophet is?

I surely do Cloë. A prophet is a person that God spoke to who then delivered God's message to the people.

Very good. When we talk about the prophets we talk about people from the Old Testament. But actually Patrick was also a "prophet" because it was he who told the people of Ireland


and France 
all about God!

Below is the Happy Saints version of Saint Patrick along with a short bio and prayer.

If you click here you can read our post from last year that talks about who Saint Patrick was. 

So we have two very cool crafts for you today: one from Catholic Icing and one from Catholic Inspired.

Hey Cloë did you notice that it's a snake hanging from the mobile!

I did Tallulah. Legend has it that Saint Patrick chased all the snakes out of Ireland.

Wow! Well enjoy your day everyone and don't let the snakes get you - hee!hee!


Cloë and Tallulah

Wednesday 4 March 2015

Prophet #4: Jeremiah

Hey Cloë what happened to #3 Isaiah?

Don't you remember Tallulah it was -25C yesterday morning so it was too cold to hang outside of Mass.

Oh yeah I forgot. So when will we talk about Isaiah?

He comes up again in a few weeks so we'll talk about him then. Today we are going to talk about Jeremiah.

Jeremiah was a prophet more than 600 years before Jesus was born. 

As you know God had chosen the Jewish people to be His people. Unfortunately they not only began to forget about God but they started worshiping a god named Baal. Worshiping Baal meant that many people started to offer their children to this god - and let's just say it was not pretty. 

I don't understand Cloë how can the people just forget about God?

Sadly it's not that hard Tallulah. Just look around you. When things are going well people are often having so much fun they forget that God is still there and that He has given them everything.
Jeremiah's job was to remind the people that God was always there waiting for them. He also told them that until they remembered God all kinds of bad things were going to happen. 

Gee that doesn't sound like God was being very nice. 

No Tallulah it was not God doing these things, it was the people bringing the problems on themselves. Bad things were happening because they were not following the rules that God had given them because he loved them and he did not want them to get hurt. 
But they thought they knew better. 

I bet the people did not like what Jeremiah was telling them.

That's right Tallulah. Many were trying to get him because they were not happy with what he was saying. They even threw him in a well at one point.

Click here to watch a slide show about Jeremiah and learn more about him.

Here is a beautiful stained glass window that shows our four prophets so far. Isaiah (who we will talk about soon), Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Daniel.


Cloë and Talluah

Monday 2 March 2015

Prophet #2 - Daniel

Today's first reading was from the Prophet Daniel. Daniel is one of the four major prophets. Do you remember what that means Tallulah?

Yes I do Cloë it means his book is a looong one!

Very good. Daniel was a young Jewish prophet who lived in Babylon.

Babylon?! If he was Jewish why did he not live in Israel.

You see Tallulah, about 600 years before Jesus was born, many of the Jewish people were taken captive and sent to Babylon, including Daniel. Ezekiel, who we talked about on Friday, was another of the Jewish prophets who had been sent to Babylon.

In his book, Daniel talks about all kinds of things including being a hero, staying true to God no matter what and that God will protect. He also talks about many adventures. The videos below show the story of one of his most famous adventures.

Oh I know, that's the time he ended up in the lion's den!

Here is the same story Cloë but it's a rap song! It's pretty cool.

Finally, here is a Word Search to help you remember this story. Click here to go to the page.

That's it for today! Next up - Isaiah. Woof!

Cloë and Tallulah